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Real Talk: The Reality of Life Postpartum

April 22, 2016

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I hope you guys have been enjoying my Real Talk series here on I personally love getting a chance to talk directly about real life struggles and triumphs, inspiration and truths, and hearing your stories in return. Today’s topic is postpartum life, something that I’ve touched on before. The thing is, life after pregnancy is different in so many ways, and we all have unique experiences. But the digital world often makes it seem like what we go through is all the same, and honestly, that it’s a lot more glamorous than it sometimes is! I think we can all relate. Tamera Mowry Aden Throwback! My first time around… As much as I hope to be an inspiration for all mommies on their journeys to getting that pre-pregnancy body back and knowing that you can achieve all your health and fitness goals, I also want to set a realistic example. The truth is that the length and pace of the journey is different for everyone. Nothing happens overnight. For some women, a major struggle post-pregnancy is dropping the weight. For others, there are mental struggles like depression (there are 3 million US cases of postpartum depression each year – and even more undiagnosed) and feelings of isolation or stress. Usually, there are both the mental and physical ups and downs to navigate. And while it’s important to focus on keeping physically fit and healthy so that we can better meet the needs of our little ones, let’s face it – there are always going to be a million other things to focus on at the same time. Life can throw things at you that deserve more focus than arbitrary weight goals (don’t get me wrong – health is important, but a number on a scale? Not so much). Don’t be afraid to turn your focus on to something else, and even inward at times. It took time to learn and accept that my journey is and will always be different from the next woman’s. Reading blogs, following those you don’t personally know on social media- these can all be points of inspiration, but they can also be points of comparison. It’s so important to know that what you see is only a carefully thought out version of the story. That’s why it’s become more and more important to me to be authentic – so that people get a genuine look at how I experience motherhood, my work, my home and LIFE! Life is beautiful as is, and if we’re too caught up in the physical parts of it, we can lose sight of the real focus – our loving relationships, our mental health and our happiness and fulfillment as mothers. No matter what stage of pregnancy or motherhood you are at, I challenge you to give yourself a few words of encouragement each and every day! What are your feelings on this postpartum journey? Do you have any words of encouragement for other readers? Xx, Tamera

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too. Let's do life together!


Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share memories filled with love.


23 Responses

  1. You said it better; everyone’s race is different. I can relate to the struggle after having our 3rd child, I was stuck with extra 20lbs. I remember going to groceries store with all of themone day when my last baby was just 8 months old. The cashier look at me and said awww another one on the way? I didn’t answer because my focus was to get all the 3 kids out of the line on time. She continued with the next customer we can all relate we’ve all been there, all my kids are 1 year apart blah blah blah. I was like I am not pregnant. I did not loose all the pounds untill by baby was 18 month. Do you, eat healthy and excersice when you can. Don’t forget eating healthy is 80% of healthy life journey. You are still my favorite lady on the Real, and I think you look incredibly great period.@bukkydare

  2. Hi Tamera,

    I just wanted to say congrats on your little girl. My little one was also born last July 2015. I must say with her being my second child, the experience was VERY different than my first who is 6 years old. Not only do I struggle to lose the weight after this pregnancy, I also experienced postpartum depression which then turned into panic attacks. It was the worst experience of my life. I didn’t realize at the time that I was experiencing post partum( as I didn’t have this with my first) so that’s what made my anxiety worse! it was a very hard adjustment for me going from having one child to now having two. Their demands were very different obviously and I felt completely overwhelmed and misunderstood. My husband is a great man, however didn’t know how to support me with my postpartum as it was new and challenging for both of us. It’s hard to talk to people who don’t get it ( especially men lol)
    So my baby girl is now 9 months old and even though I know I’m better, some days can still be overwhelming. As for the weight loss, I didn’t pay attention to it until I felt mentally well enough to even be at the gym. I must say that me taking an hour out of my day to work out has definitely made this a smoother transition for me getting over my depression. For those of you out there who have experienced or are experiencing postpartum depression…. You are not alone and it’s okay to talk about it. Many women go through this. Seeking help is the best advice I can give. Whether it be from your doctor, a friend, or a support group do not feel as though you have to suffer in silence. You have to take care of yourself in order to be able to be a great mom to your new baby. I have about 11 more pounds to go to be at my pre- pregnancy weight and I am in no rush at all!!!! It took me 39 weeks to gain all the weight so I know it’s going to take time for it to come off and I’m okay with that!!
    Take care xo

    1. I could not relate to you more. Withmy first baby, whom I just recently have birth to this past November, I experienced postpartum anxiety. I’m still learning how to deal emotional. I’ve incorporated a light workout from time to time, the Bible and deep breaths whenever I feel I’m getting overwhelmed. Carrying for a newborn alone can be very stressful while hubby is at work all day and sleeping through the night. Best of wishes to any woman trying to deal and overcome.

    2. Thanks for sharing your story and kind thoughts for anyone else experiencing this. So true… There is no need to rush the weight loss, and exercise really does boost the mood! Hang in there and congrats! xx

  3. Thank you for this. I just had my 3rd baby 6 months ago. My friends just had their babies 1 year ago and the other 3 months ago. It’s hard not to compare. I have 10 more pounds till back to my pregnancy weight. I like to focus on non scale victories. As in my jeans fitting again. Haha.

  4. Hi Tamara! My kids are around the same age as yours. I have a boy who is approaching 3 and a baby girl who recently turned 1 and for the past 8 months, I’ve been raising then in my own because my husband is currently deployed. I have lost 20 pounds and several inches over the past 8 months and I’ve recently been depressed that I haven’t lost more but reading your blog has made me feel much better. My husband will be returning home soon and our kids are happy and healthy and I will continue with my health goals and I will reach them with time. Thanks for sharing!

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