What Are Essential Oils? Do They Work

November 10, 2023

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I try to live my life as healthy as possible. Yes, I indulge and skip workouts just like the next person, but I value the effect healthy behaviors and healthy eating have on my family and me. That’s why I was thrilled when my friends introduced me to essential oils. I’m now a big fan – we use them every day in my house to encourage a strong immune system.

There are so many impurities we’re exposed to on a daily basis. It’s nice to know that simple oils and extracts can aid my health or mood and not require me to put anything artificial in my body. A few drops here, a dab of oil on your ailing body part, and poof, relief! Essential oils are sometimes misunderstood, but the benefits are plentiful, and there are multiple ways to experience the effects of these plant compounds.

Today, I’m sharing the basics with you…

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils aren’t essential in the “need to have” type of way. Instead, the “essential” represents the aroma of the seed, flower, or plant being properly captured and maintained through the distilling process. Some oils have oral uses, but many are commonly used topically or through a diffuser (think aromatherapy). I typically apply mine with a dropper or use a roll-on.

The Benefits

The benefits range from alleviating back pain (which I saw many of you mention on Instagram), calming nerves and helping with digestion. They don’t stop there! Relaxation, joint pain, antiseptic…you name it, there might be a seed oil or leafy scent to help you throughout the day. It’s important though to follow directions on bottles and do your research before using any essential oil – pregnancy and select health concerns can alter the way you use them.

My Favorite Scents

Peppermint (a favorite of mine), lavender and eucalyptus are amongst the most common scents. You can burn an aromatherapy candle to help relax and get rid of a pesky migraine that is ruining your day. There are spruce scents, carrot seed oils, and Frankincense as well as others made from a blend of different oils. For example, Young Living’s PanAway is a blend of peppermint, wintergreen, clove, and helichrysum, and when diluted with oil and rubbed over a strained muscle, it can relieve tension and aches.

I believe they’ve helped me, and I’ve heard many others praise the power of essential oils.

Have you tried essential oils? What has worked for you, and do you have recommendations? I am always happy to hear how these are benefiting others and what others I should try!

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too. Let's do life together!


Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share memories filled with love.


97 Responses

  1. Hi Tamera,
    Im a Distributor for DoTerra Essential Oils and I’d love to send you some so you can try them out. I’d also like to introduce you to AromaTouch as well, please contact me if you’re interested. Im in the LA area. Rosasfamily3@yahoo.com

        1. So true! But why would she want to try something else when she is already using the purest and most effective oil on the market already? That would be silly! Lol!

      1. Shameless plug? Ok. Ignorant much?.I’m offering her some to sample. Wheres the wrong in that? Better for her, she’ll have a little bit of everything and Doterra is best so why not?. This wasn’t directed to you so its none of your business anyways. Seems like someone has no life other than to troll. .. LoL

        1. Mina…I recommend you compare peppermint oil from both companies. Do it soon because you will be shocked at the difference and you’ll want to jump on the YL train pretty quickly! :)

          1. I’m honestly not on here to argue over which oil is better, you’re entitled to your opinion. Im giving her the chance to decide, you will say yours is the purest and I will say Doterra. I will agree to disagree. Have a nice day. :)

  2. Love Young Living Oils!! Love Valor, and Panaway. My son Loves Cedarwood, my youngest daughter loves White Angelica, and My oldest daughter loves Ortho Sport!! Great stuff Young Living Oils!!!

  3. I’m an Maverick Oily Chick that uses Young Living too, Tamera! User & Member Since 2012! The best, most authentic and safest essential oils on the planet! Be sure to visit Young Livings Lavender Farm in Utah when you get a chance! You will love it and you won’t regret it! It is so BEAUTIFUL there! Thanks to Young Living Oils I was able to get off blood pressure medication within 30 days! Those oils are just that potent!

    1. Can I ask what you used to lower your BP? I’ve been putting Peace and Calming over my heart daily and that helped keep it more regulated, not spiking as much, but I would love to get it to a healthier number. Thanks so much!

      1. There are quite a few that might help you. Lavender, Aroma Life, Marjoram, lemon, but my favorite is Ylang Ylang. You can place over your heart, or I often put a few drops in my hand cupping them over my nose. I breath deeply for a few minutes.

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