Real Talk: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

January 8, 2016

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With the new year upon us, it’s easy to think of resolutions and ways to make our lives more joyful and fulfilling. When looking at those desires and plans, you might find that a lot of them require you to be more adventurous or take more risks – whether you’re inherently spontaneous or not. Those of us with cautious personalities may not be have skydiving on our bucket lists, but that doesn’t mean we won’t push ourselves each year to be better women, moms and friends. This got me thinking about comfort zones – how often we say we want to push through them, but how easy it is to stay put. How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Though it can be anxiety inducing, sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to achieve a goal or reach new heights. This is a hard lesson to learn, and one that you’ll likely learn over and over again. It’s 100% reasonable to think, why commit to something where the outcome is unknown when it’s much safer here, in my comfort zone? That’s one way of going about it, and it certainly protects you from potential harm. But have you ever heard that saying, “If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done”? … Often the things we really want in life are things we’ve never tried – traveling to far away places, navigating motherhood, making a career change or following your passions – all of these require a bit of wading into the unknown. Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to test the waters. I can’t say it won’t be uncomfortable – it can be downright scary! – but once you get over that hurdle, you’ll either get what you needed, or be on the right track to finding it. It’s tempting to stay where it’s familiar, but no one ever got anywhere by staying in one place. It’s difficult to know whether taking a risk will pay off. Sometimes you have that gut feeling; sometimes the messages are unclear. However, if the risk can lead to something more positive or provide an invaluable experience… I think you’ll find it hard not to at least try! What does stepping out of your comfort zone mean to YOU? I want to know. Photo: Katee Grace Photography via our family photo shoot Xx, Tamera

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too. Let's do life together!


Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share memories filled with love.


20 Responses

  1. Hi Tamera,

    Happy New Year!

    2015 was a year of growth and change for me.

    I had been asking God to show me the truth about a situation. I also asked him to guide me in that direction if it was meant for me.

    My church had a women’s getaway over the summer. I was apprehensive about attending because I can be shy in unfamiliar surroundings. After speaking with my Pastor and First Lady, I decided that, since I was experiencing so much opposition, Satan was trying to keep me from my promotion. I attended.

    while there, God showed me through a traumatic zip lining experience, that I needed to give up control. He couldn’t do what I wouldn’t allow him too. When I was finally able to give myself completely to him, I received the answer to my prayer. My life hasn’t been the same since.

    The greatest lesson I learned last year was that I don’t have it all under control. Nobody can go through this life without help. Learning how to let go of my way and receive God’s direction has brought me so much joy.

    2016 is all about making things a lifestyle. Prayer, obedience, spending time with God, giving, preferring others above myself, exercising, eating right, ect……

    I’m believing that this year is your family’s best year, until the next year.

    Big hugs,


  2. Stepping out of my comfort zone means letting myself open up to those who want to help. We recently lost a family member, and all who knew him have offered help. The hardest thing is knowing how to let people help when you feel vulnerable.

  3. Happy New year! Stepping out of my comfort zone for me is changing my mindset of What I can’t do or how am I going to do probation it??. This is where FAITH the size of a mustard seed comes in. I am seeking my purpose and passions. I want to be fulfilled with the job I do. Answering the question,” What would you do without getting paid for it. I’m in midlife and need to step into my purpose. I’m asking God to direct my path to be the person that he has planned me to be.

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