With the new year upon us, it’s easy to think of resolutions and ways to make our lives more joyful and fulfilling. When looking at those desires and plans, you might find that a lot of them require you to be more adventurous or take more risks – whether you’re inherently spontaneous or not. Those of us with cautious personalities may not be have skydiving on our bucket lists, but that doesn’t mean we won’t push ourselves each year to be better women, moms and friends. This got me thinking about comfort zones – how often we say we want to push through them, but how easy it is to stay put.
Though it can be anxiety inducing, sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to achieve a goal or reach new heights. This is a hard lesson to learn, and one that you’ll likely learn over and over again. It’s 100% reasonable to think, why commit to something where the outcome is unknown when it’s much safer here, in my comfort zone? That’s one way of going about it, and it certainly protects you from potential harm. But have you ever heard that saying, “If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done”? … Often the things we really want in life are things we’ve never tried – traveling to far away places, navigating motherhood, making a career change or following your passions – all of these require a bit of wading into the unknown.
Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to test the waters. I can’t say it won’t be uncomfortable – it can be downright scary! – but once you get over that hurdle, you’ll either get what you needed, or be on the right track to finding it. It’s tempting to stay where it’s familiar, but no one ever got anywhere by staying in one place.
It’s difficult to know whether taking a risk will pay off. Sometimes you have that gut feeling; sometimes the messages are unclear. However, if the risk can lead to something more positive or provide an invaluable experience… I think you’ll find it hard not to at least try!
What does stepping out of your comfort zone mean to YOU? I want to know.
Photo: Katee Grace Photography via our family photo shoot

20 Responses
Taking risks. Stepping out on Faith and outside of my comfort zones means not being afraid of who I am and who I am to become. Success can be scary and uncomfortable. leaving yourself subject to criticism can be scary. Disappointing yourself and your family can be discouraging. But all these things when conquered one small achievement at a time can be so rewarding and empowering.
Wow I really needed to hear this. We are applying to a school for the gifted for my son which is light years beyond our reach in terms of price range. Knowing the schools around me I know my son would just be written off and lost in the crowd. We were eligible due to his IQ and will apply for financial aid. If he gets in it will require us to have to sell our home and move closer to one of the school bus stops, I’ll have to find a job closer and these are all changes out if my comfort zone. I’ll do anything for my kid so we will push on through. Thanks for your inspiration.
That is so true…Thank you for these words of wisdom right when I needed them most…because sometimes I feel I want to stay in my comfort zone even though I planned to make this a year of new beginnings. I am a person that preferred calculated small risks than big risks that could fail or create ripples that I can’t come back from.
For me this year, stepping out my comfort zone is doing the things that I’ve been afraid to do because I fear rejection. My goal is to form long-lasting, meaningful relationships. I don’t have that many in my life; I could probably count the real relationships I have on one hand. But this year, I’m going to put my best foot forward in surrounding myself with people of substance, while still maintaining my substance. I’m hopeful for the best and praying every day. And I’ve actually signed up for speed dating. Even though I’ve never done it, it’s just another way to put myself out there.