A lot of you have asked me about book recommendations. There’s something truly magical about immersing yourself in a good book. Whether you want to learn something new or unplug, there’s plenty you can find.
I’ve always found solace and inspiration between the pages of a good book. Sometimes, you experience… Let’s just say, “LIFE,” then later, you read a book about those similar life experiences and you feel seen.
Nothing better than that!
Other times, you read a book that prepares you for what you’ll experience LATER on in life. Both are valuable.
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Personal Development

The more you allow yourself to be vulnerable, the more people can relate and learn from you. At the end of the day, we’re all human. “The Real” taught me that when you’re vulnerable and honest, there’s always someone out there who may be going through the same thing. And I know for me when I hear that on the other side, knowing that I’m not alone, you feel empowered.
This book will help you separate vulnerability from weakness. “Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown delves into the significance of vulnerability in fostering authentic connections, creativity, and wholehearted living.
Lean In has been out for some time, but it is definitely worth the read. Sheryl Sandberg explains why women need to step up and believe in themselves. It’s all about finding your confidence and not backing down from what you want. Her motivational prose and these career success tips will inspire you to take a step towards greatness.
Injuring my back years ago brought my regular exercise routine to a halt. I realized that I would have to adjust, not just so that my body could still exercise, but so that I was still carving out time that was just for me to be alone with myself. My last C-section and a lack of stability in my core and SI joint caused a major setback.
All I want to do is pick up my daughter when she reaches for me or play soccer with my son when he asks. Even when you are in pain, you can still smile. We can overcome this. We can’t give up. Who’s with me?
This book, Resilience: Turning Your Setback into a Comeback, is full of transformative stories from unstoppable super achievers including Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Real Estate Syndicators, Speakers, Authors, NFL Players and Mentors, a 2x US Memory Champion, PGA Tour Mentor and more.
To tell the truth. When I took a seat on The Real in 2013, I dealt with imposter syndrome BIG time. At times, it was terrifying. I wasn’t reading off of a script. I was speaking from the heart about other people’s experiences as well as my own.
Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon in which people believe they are not worthy of success. They convince themselves that they have done well due to luck and are terrified their shortcomings will eventually be exposed, making it impossible to enjoy their accomplishments.
I’ve always taken a big interest in psychology. It was my major in college! So books like The Imposter Cure always interest me.

Aden was a picky eater. Ariah loves cauliflower and celery as a baby (who would have thought). What made Aden enjoy vegetables more was enrolling him in a gardening class. Also, getting them to communicate why they love the foods they like. It took a while, but he finally communicated that he was into textures and how some food feels on his tongue. I communicate with Aden that if he wants to be on the San Francisco Giants, he has to eat certain foods.
With a compassionate and relatable voice, How to Raise an Intuitive Eater is the only book of its kind to teach parents what they need to know to improve health, happiness, and well-being for the littlest among us.
Growing up in a military home meant I grew up with discipline and structure. Luckily, that home was also filled with unconditional love and warmth. That helped me be the person that I am today. As a mom, I now realize how easy my parents sometimes made it look.
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids guide will help parents better understand their emotions and get them in check so they can parent with healthy limits, empathy, and clear communication to raise a self-disciplined child. Step-by-step examples give solutions and kid-tested phrasing for parents of toddlers right through the elementary years.
My sister and I laugh so hard because people see ONE of us and basically start talking to BOTH of us. One thing our parents did early on is celebrate the fact that we’re individuals. Yes, we’re twins, but we have differences. When we accepted that we were different, living away from each other and growing up became easier.
With almost two times as many sets of twins today as there were forty years ago, What to Do When You’re Having Two has quickly become the definitive resource for expectant and new parents of multiples.
I am the disciplinarian in my house, and Adam is…Well, mother’s reading this, it goes without saying. I’m disciplined with my children because I believe it’s better for me to discipline them rather than the world. That’s not to say that Adam can’t or doesn’t disciple. Our parenting styles contrast perfectly, but we both can play the part when needed.
Getting to this point in our marriage took a lot of work. If you need help, How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids can help. This book takes a bit of a comedic approach to an issue that I know many women struggle with.
Children's Books

Handing a child a book is one of those things that every mother can’t wait to do – that moment of walking in on your baby engulfed in a story (even if the pages are upside down! Lol.) It’s something special. It’s a way to learn and bond and a guaranteed way to get him to fall asleep.
The book + reading buddy Christopher Can’t Sleep was one of Aden’s fave bedtime stories. This is something to try with children of his age who know how to entertain themselves. Don’t get me wrong, Aden loves following along with the story… But it also happens to lull him right to sleep! One moment he’s engulfed in the pages of the book, and the next, he’s snuggling up with his buddy.
My Big Book of Prayers – This prayer book for young children isn’t just for bedtime, it inspires any time of day. However, reading this to Aden definitely helps wind him down for a night’s rest. I like that it helps form the habit of ending each day with thoughts of gratitude and love. The rhyming and illustrations keep even toddlers engaged and interested. We own a few other books by Michelle Medlock Adams too, and love the message in each.
Goodnight Moon
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown – Goodnight Moon has probably been a part of most of our lives and even our parents’ lives for what seems like forever – it was first published in 1947. I love that this special story is passed down from generations and can continue to be a family staple. It’s the perfect story to wrap up an action packed day in your little one’s life.

Whistle for Willie – Another classic we love to keep in Aden’s room is this sweet book, one of Ezra Jack Keats’ famous illustrated tales. It’s not specifically a bedtime story, and actually can be really interactive if you go along with Willie’s adventures (trying to whistle along, of course), but it’s so easy for younger kids to get lost in the narrative. This is a great book for those times you really need a good story to calm (or distract ;)) and take your mind off of whatever may be bothering or keeping them up.

God’s place in the center of my life is my biggest sense of comfort and strength. With God as the center and head of our marriage, we’ve gracefully navigated our ups and downs.
We all want to live simpler lives and to put Jesus first—but we struggle with doing both. While we are busy strategizing new ways to streamline our calendars and clean the clutter out of our closets, what really needs attention is actually the secret to long-term clarity and lasting peace: putting Jesus over everything in our lives.
I say a prayer of thanks right when you awake. This might seem silly, but it only takes a few seconds. Breathe in the morning and thank God that you’re here, you’re healthy, and you have another day to reach your dreams.
A devotional is a great way to start your day with Jesus.
Now that I am a parent, I can see that everything my mom did and how she parented, was done completely out love for her children. I grew up to love the person that I am, and to feel confident about myself, and that is because of my mom. She worked so hard to develop good character, strong faith and to instill a secure sense of self in her kids.
There is no way that I would have been able to navigate a career in the spotlight, and remain true to my values and faith, had it not been for my mom. How she raised me has had such an incredible impact on who I am today, and now in turn, how I am raising my own children.
This book will help you discover simple habits and easy-to-implement daily rhythms that will help you find meaning beyond the chaos of family life as you create a home where kids and parents alike practice how to love God and each other.
Before you were born, God already planned your life. God longs for you to discover the life he uniquely created you to live–here on earth, and forever in eternity. Let The Purpose Driven Life show you how. As one of the bestselling nonfiction books in history, with more than 35 million copies sold, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it’s the road map for your spiritual journey. A journey that will transform your life.
Do you feel overwhelmed by thinking of how to balance work and family?
The Best Yes – Author Lysa TerKeurst helps you discover how to overcome an overwhelmed soul by using your faith to guide you in making the best decisions for yourself without enduring feelings of guilt and indecision. Since Fall is a season of change, it’s also a great time to work on being a better you.
How to Know God Exists is an exceptional book for reaffirming your faith in the Lord. It’s been out for years, but is always worthy of another read. If you’re ever having moments of doubt, author Ray Comfort will guide you towards the light and understanding (with the help of scientific evidence) that God does exist and he touches each of our lives.

Everyone can benefit from a good cookbook, but once you become a parent, you realize how essential having a few recipes on hand can be. You never know when you’ll need to whip up a meal in a flash or when you’ve somehow gotten yourself into hosting a dinner party the last time you ran into friends at the store!
This book will convince you to forget the fad diets and commit to a more holistic approach when it comes to meals. It’s part cookbook, part health how-to – you’ll learn not only what food does to your body, but mind too.
Since 2012, this book has become a staple in countless homes of foodies and families alike. If you already follow Perelman’s gorgeous food blog, you know you can count on her for all your food-spiration, but you don’t have to read the blog to fall in love with each recipe. Just make a few of these totally from scratch recipes and you’ll have a new appreciation for food.
The Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon. First of all, this book has over 100 recipes! Liddon shares her own inspiring journey to health on her blog Oh She Glows, so you can see why there’s a lot of hype surrounding this one. In addition to showing how to whip up fabulous vegan recipes, she also cuts gluten, soy and processed foods from many of her meals, so it’s helpful if you have diet restrictions or simply want to try more minimal recipes every now and then.
Wheat Belly 30-Minute (Or Less!) Cookbook by William Davis. I think by now, most people have at least heard the term “wheat belly”. Whether or not you want to say goodbye to wheat forever, these 200 recipes will give you a different perspective on cooking, and can definitely change up your meals every now and then.

Our home has been a work in progress, and I’m loving every moment of it. When you’re passionate about making a house a home, you don’t focus so much on the finished product. Instead, you enjoy the process. We’re all big on books in this family so I figured why not do a little research on the best books for all you home DIYers?
Make minimalist living possible for your family. Parenting is hard enough already without trying to change the way you live in one fell swoop. Diane Boden, the host of the Minimalist Moms podcast, knows that what busy moms desire are quick, daily minimalist quotes that provide inspiration and a reminder of the positive impact of minimalism. Minimalist Moms is a book of on-the-go minimalist wisdom that gradually teaches busy parents how to embrace the core principles of minimalism—simple living, focusing on what matters, and inner calm.
In Homebody, Joanna Gaines walks you through how to create a home that reflects the personalities and stories of the people who live there. Using examples from her own farmhouse as well as a range of other homes, this comprehensive guide will help you assess your priorities and instincts, as well as your likes and dislikes, with practical steps for navigating and embracing your authentic design style.
Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts, and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles?
My Books

I’ve always wanted to write a book, but I didn’t want to write a book to write a book. Once I turned 40, the idea of doing a memoir started resonating. I decided to open up on the lessons I’ve learned with you all in my cheering section.
Tia and I both feel that reading and learning has played a huge role in our lives, and even more so as moms, and we wanted to pass that onto those who have grown up with us, and their kids too! That’s why we decided to create a tween book series called Twintuition.
We both love fiction that’s full of adventure—especially in the form of the supernatural! The Twilight series and The Hunger Games are two of my faves, and I can’t wait to add Twintuition into the mix.
Hopefully, a few of the books on this list will touch your heart, expand your mind, and bring joy to your life. So, grab a cozy spot, a cup of tea, and dive into a captivating read!
P.S. Do any of you enjoy listening to books and reading them at the same time?